With winter weather upon us it’s essential to ensure that your properties are prepared. In our previous blog we covered winter maintenance for your properties’ exterior. In this blog we’re discussing how to take care of the inside of your properties in order to avoid any unnecessary property damage.
1) Check the boiler
Landlords are legally required to carry out an annual gas safety inspection, and although boiler servicing does not fall under this it is much more cost effective to get a gas inspection and boiler service done at the same time. Not only will a well maintained boiler help it run more efficiently, it will also prevent any unexpected boiler failures that could cause disgruntled tenants. Here at GMC we have a range of contractors across the UK including OFTEC engineers for oil fired systems, and Gas Safe registered engineers for maintenance and repair of mains gas or LPG systems.
2) Avoid pipes bursting
Due to rapid freezing and thawing bust pipes are common during the winter time. There are a number of methods which can be used to avoid burst pipes. For insurance purposes, if you have vacant properties that you expect to be unoccupied for a prolonged period of time we advise a full property drain down. Alternatively, for properties that will only be unoccupied for short periods (such as student houses or holiday lets) you can fit pipes with heat-loss reducing insulation. We also offer a service to attend properties, carry out regular inspections and put the heating on when necessary in order to comply with insurance purposes.
3) Reduce heating costs
If you rent properties with bills included (e.g. halls of residence, temporary relocation properties or holiday lets) it’s in your best interest to keep heating costs down. Even if bills aren’t included in your property costs reducing heating costs can still be to your benefit… It helps keep tenants happy by saving them money, and reduced the chance of any unnecessary damp or damage caused by tenants scrimping on heating bills. So, how do you reduce heating costs? Here are our suggestions:
- Invest in insulation, especially in the loft
- Bleed the radiators to release trapped air and help the radiator run more efficiently
- Provide draught excluders in furnished properties
- Keep the boiler serviced (as discussed above)
Here at GMC we’re committed to providing landlords and property management companies with the highest standard of property maintenance services. If you would like a quote for any of the serviced detailed in this blog please contact the GMC team at 01903 721020 or email info@genmaint.co.uk
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