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Oct 012018

With the long hot days of summer now a distant memory, it is time to look towards the winter and make sure your property is ready for it. Winter proofing your property is simpler than you might think. Here we discuss the benefits of being prepared for whatever the winter throws at you.

Now is the time to carry out some essential maintenance to prevent serious problems later down the line. Many winter-related disasters could be prevented with a little forward planning in the autumn. Wind, rain and freezing temperatures all take their toll on the exterior of properties so dealing with any known issues now is the best approach to avoid problems later on. A few maintenance jobs in the autumn can ward off the need for extensive (and expensive!) repairs later on. 
Check your roof
If your roof needs repairing don’t wait until it starts leaking before you decide to get it fixed. Ignoring roofing problems is a false economy as a small leak can cause a lot of damage if left for any length of time. It can even impact on neighbouring properties causing more stress and potential expense.
We recommend visually checking your roof and chimney, looking for missing or slipped tiles, missing or risen flashings and gaps in the mortar. If tiles need to be replaced then we always recommend using a professional roofer to do this. Make sure all pipes are well lagged and you have at least the minimum government recommendation of 270 mm mineral wool loft insulation.
Look out for leaks in the joints, especially after heavy rain when it is easier to notice any issues. Keep gutters clear of autumn leaves and make sure downpipes and drains are also clear of debris and in good repair.
Carry out a final grass cut, keep paths, patios and decked area clear of fallen leaves, moss and algae build up to avoid accidents. Check weeds and tree roots are not impeding drains or foundations.
Vacant properties
As with any property, check all doors and windows are secure and tightly fitting to avoid draughts and the roof structure is sound. We would also recommend turning off the heating system and having the property drained down to prevent any internal leaks. Insurance companies’ policies on vacant properties can vary so do ensure that you are complying with their procedures – in the event of a claim this could make all the difference. Many companies have restrictions on the length of time a property can be left unoccupied, some insist on the heating system being left on and set to a specific temperature. Some insurance companies require that vacant properties are periodically inspected – GMC can provide this service including photos and a report on the condition of the building.
Look for signs of cracks in exterior masonry and get them filled before water ingress signs start to appear on the inside. Repair any windows that do not close properly and check you have adequate insulation around door openings. Make sure exterior water pipes are lagged where possible.
Offering nationwide coverage and with a wide network of professional tradesmen, the General Maintenance Company can help with all aspects of property maintenance and repair. Call us now on 01903 721020 for more information on how we can help you protect your property portfolio.

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